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FAQ about carpooling


Got questions about twogo? We’ve got answers.

  • Open twogo.
  • Click on “Register now”.
  • Enter your first name and surname, e-mail address, and password.

Note 1: The first name and surname must be at least two characters long. Only the special characters “.”, “-”, and “‘” may be used. There may not be any spaces at the start or end.

Note 2: The password must contain at least eight characters, including at least one digit and both lowercase and uppercase letters.

  • Click on the “Accept & Register” button.

Note 3: By clicking on the button you simultaneously confirm your registration and confirm that you have read and accepted the documents. You will then receive an e-mail containing a verification link.

Note 4: If you have not received an e-mail, please check your spam folder. If you click on “Send e-mail again”, the verification e-mail will be sent to you again.

  • Click on the “Open e-mail app” button to open your e-mail inbox.
  • Open the e-mail from twogo and click on the “Confirm your e-mail address” button to verify your e-mail address.

You will receive a success message if the verification was successful.

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

If you do not have a business e-mail address and still wish to be assigned to your organization then you can register with your private e-mail address using a token link. The token link is provided to you by your organization.

Proceed as follows:

  • Click on the received token link to proceed to the registration screen.
  • Enter your first name and surname, private e-mail address, and password.

Note 1: The first name and surname must be at least two characters long. Only the special characters “.”, “-”, and “‘” may be used. There may not be any spaces at the start or end.

Note 2: The password must contain at least eight characters, including at least one digit and both lowercase and uppercase letters.

  • Click on the “Accept & Register” button.

Note 3: By clicking on the button you simultaneously confirm your registration and confirm that you have read and accepted the documents. You will then receive an e-mail containing a verification link.

Note 4: If you have not received an e-mail, please check your spam folder. If you click on “Send e-mail again”, the verification e-mail will be sent to you again.

  • Click on the “Open e-mail app” button to open your e-mail inbox.
  • Open the e-mail from twogo and click on the “Confirm your e-mail address” button to verify your e-mail address.

You will receive a success message if the verification was successful.
You are now automatically assigned to your organization despite using a private e-mail address.

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

  • Open twogo and click on the “Login” button.
  • Enter your registered e-mail address and password.
  • Click on the “Login” button. 

After correctly entering your login details, you are now logged in with your user account and can use twogo.

You cannot log in if you not yet verified your e-mail address during registration.

Note: In this case, an error message appears.

  • Open twogo and click on the “Login” button.
  • Click on the “Reset now” button on the login screen.
  • Enter the e-mail address for your user account in the text field provided.
  • Click on “Reset password”.

You will then receive an e-mail to reset your password.

Note 1: If you have not received an e-mail, please check your spam folder. If you click on “Send e-mail again”, the verification e-mail will be sent to you again. 

  • Click on the “Open e-mail app” button to open your e-mail inbox.
  • Open the “Set new password” link in the e-mail.

You will be automatically returned to twogo and you can set your new password in the text field provided.

Note 2: Your password must contain at least eight characters, including at least one digit and both lowercase and uppercase letters.

  • After entering your new password, click on the “Reset password” button.

Your password has now been successfully reset.

When logging into twogo for the first time, you must first provide some initial details for your user account.

Proceed as follows:

  • Open twogo and click on the “Login” button.
  • Enter your registered e-mail address and password and click on the “Login” button.
  • After correctly entering your login details, you are now logged in with your user account and can set up your account.
  • Click on the “Start” button to start setting up your user account.
  • Click on the “Enable Notifications” button if you want to receive notifications when you are matched with another user, receive a new message, or your ride is changed. If you do not want to receive notifications or you wish to consider it at a later point in time, click on “Not now” and proceed to the next step.
  • Enter your home address that you normally start your rides from. To do so, click on the “Add HOME address” button to enter the location. Either enter the address manually in the text field provided or click on the map and position the pushpin in the desired location. twogo then automatically inserts the address into the text field. In addition, you can add an optional meeting point.

Note 1: The home address is automatically saved to “Favorites” so that you do not have to enter the whole address manually when you create a ride request. By clicking on “Why twogo asks for my home address” you can read about your advantages in detail again.

  • In the next step, you can add the address of your workplace by clicking on the “Add WORK address” button. Clicking on “Not now” automatically takes you to the next step.
  • Click on the “Add Profile Picture” button to upload a profile picture. Clicking on “Not now” automatically takes you to the next step.
  • In the last step, click on “Done” to finish setting up your account.

Note 2: You can change your details or default settings in your profile and in the settings at any time.

Before creating your first ride, you should add and verify your phone number so that passengers or drivers can reach you.

  • To do so, click on the “Add a phone number” button.
  • Enter your phone number in the field provided.
  • Click on the “Verify” button.

An SMS containing a five-digit verification code will then be sent to the phone number you provided.

Note 1: If you did not receive an SMS, click on “Try again” so that another SMS is sent.

Note 2: Depending on the provider, it can take up to a minute for the SMS to be sent. If the SMS does not arrive immediately, please wait a moment. 

  • Enter the code you receive into the field provided in twogo.

Once you have successfully verified your phone number, you will receive a success message.

  • Click on the “Profile” icon.
  • Click on the gear icon to open the settings.

Note: The settings that you define here will serve as a basis for searching for suitable carpools when you create ride requests in future. You can, of course, change these at any time.

The following options are available:

  • Ride settings: Here you will find general ride settings as well as specific options for drivers and passengers.
  • Notifications: Here you can set the actions for which you want to receive an e-mail or SMS.
  • Account: Here you can change your password and edit all important data about your account.
  • Security: Here you can set privacy settings and take further steps to increase your account’s security.
  • Region: Here you can set units and formats and tell us in which language you would like to receive e-mails and SMS messages.
  • Help: Here you can report an error, send us feedback, or find contact details of the support team.
  • Info: Here you can view information about the legal notice, privacy notice, terms of use, and licenses.
  • Rate this app: This automatically takes you to the review of the twogo app in your respective app store.
  • Logout: Click on the “Logout” button to log out of your user account.

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

  • First, click on the “Profile” icon.
  • Click on the gear icon to open the settings.
  • Open “Ride settings”.

You then have the following three options:

General preferences:

  • Set your standard role by selecting “Driver”, “Passenger”, or “Driver or passenger”.

Note 1: The standard role is your role in the carpool that is set by default when you create a ride request.

  • Select whether you want to ride with all users or only with users from your organization.

Note 2: A rideshare network can only be selected if you are assigned to an organization. It is possible that your organization has already preset that you can only ride with users from the organization.

  • Specify whether or not the return trip should be created by default when creating a ride request.

Note 3: Regardless, you can add or remove a return trip at any time after creating a ride request.

  • Specify whether or not cost sharing should be activated by default when creating a ride request.

Note 4: Activate cost sharing to split the costs for the ride between the carpoolers. If this option is not displayed for you, your organization has not activated this function.

  • Click on the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the settings.

Driver’s preferences:

  • Specify that you only want to be matched with passengers who will travel at least 90%, 60%, or 30% of your route or that you will take anyone without restrictions.
  • If desired, specify that you only want to be assigned pool vehicles with automatic transmission.
  • Use the “-” and “+” icons to define the maximum detour in minutes that you are willing to take in order to pick up a passenger.

Note: The maximum detour is preset at 15 minutes by default but can be individually set when creating a ride request. The minimum allowed is 5 minutes and the maximum is 1 hour.

  • Click on the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the settings.

Passenger’s preferences:

  • Specify that you want to participate as a passenger even if a match is only found for either the outward or return trip.

Note: Applying this setting will significantly increase your chances of finding a match. However, selecting this option is only recommended if you have alternative travel options for the return trip if needed. Otherwise, your journey in the role of “Passenger” or “Driver or passenger” will only be confirmed if twogo finds matches for both legs of the journey. This is to prevent situations in which, for example, you can get a ride to work but then not get a ride back home from work.

Click on the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the settings.

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

  • Click on the “Profile” icon.
  • Click on the gear icon to open the settings.
  • Open “Notifications”.

Here you can specify whether and via which channel you want to be informed about activities:

Ride updates

  • Specify whether you want to receive a confirmation via SMS, e-mail, or both as soon as twogo has found a ride for you.

Note 1: It is not possible to disable both notification options. This means that you must activate at least one delivery channel.

  • Click on the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the settings.

Note 2: twogo does not charge any fees for SMS notifications. Your telephone provider may charge a fee for the receipt of SMS messages. You can obtain the relevant information from your service provider.

Ride request updates

  • Specify whether you want to be informed about the status of your ride request by e-mail and want twogo to send the corresponding calendar invitation.
  • Click on the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the settings.

Rides in your neighborhood

  • Specify whether you want to receive e-mail notifications for ride offers in the vicinity of your home and work address that are unmatched in twogo’s system for the next working day. 
  • Click on the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the settings.


  • Specify whether you want to receive e-mail notifications about new followers.
  • Click on the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the settings.

  • Click on the “Profile” icon.
  • Click on the gear icon to open the settings.
  • Open the “Account” category.

The following options are available:


Here you can see which organization you are assigned to.

  • Click on the “Open contact information” button if you want to get in touch with twogo.

You will then be redirected to the support contact information within the app.

If you are not assigned to an organization but still want to join an organization then proceed as follows:

  • Enter your organization’s token in the “Organization tokens” text field.
  • Click on the “Assign to organization” button.

You will then be automatically assigned to your organization.

Note: If the organization token is invalid, an error message will appear.

Change password

Here you can change your password.

  • Enter your current password and new password in the text fields provided.

Note 1: Your password must contain at least eight characters, including at least one digit and both lowercase and uppercase letters.

  • After filling in the text fields, click on the “Update your password” button.

Your password is now updated.

Note 2: If you forgot your password, click on the “Reset now” button on the login screen to set a new password. To do so, you must enter your e-mail address in the text field provided to create a new password.

Payment details

Here you can save your PayPal.Me username as a driver to facilitate payment from your passengers.

  • To so do, enter your PayPal.Me username in the text field provided. You also have the option to click on the “Insert” button, which automatically inserts the e-mail address of your user account into the text field, without having to enter it manually.
  • Click on the “Save” button if you have made any changes.

Delete account

Here you have the option to delete your user account.

  • To do so, enter your e-mail address in the text field provided and click on the “Delete account” button.

Note: Deleting your account will remove all of your personal data from our database. twogo will additionally cancel all your future ride requests and delete your user-specific data from past ride requests. This cannot be undone. 

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

  • Click on the “Profile” icon.
  • Click on the gear icon to open the settings.
  • Open “Security”.

The following configuration options are available for you:


  • Activate sharing for your location if you want to make this visible for passengers before the start of each ride.

Note 1: Location sharing is voluntary.

Note 2: The location of the driver is only visible from 10 minutes before the passenger pick-up and this ends when the ride is completed. 

  • Specify whether you want to participate in your organization’s lotteries.

Note 3: Clicking on the “Terms of use” button opens the terms of use for your organization’s lotteries.

  • Click on the “Collect experience points (EP)” button to specify whether you want to collect experience points.

Note 4: By activating this function, you can now collect experience points by using twogo and your position will be shown in the leaderboard.

Note 5: If the option to collect experience points is not shown for you, your organization has not activated this function.

  • Click on the “Learn more” button to see how many points you receive for which actions:

      • 1 point if you create a ride request
      • 3 points if you participate in a carpool as a passenger
      • 5 points if you participate in a carpool as a driver

  • Click on the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the settings.

Blocked people

  • Click on the “Block person” button.
  • Enter the first name of the user that you want to block in the first text field and then their surname in the second text field to prevent this person from being matched with you.
  • Click on the “Block person” button.

Note 1: Note that you will also block all other users with the same name.

Note 2: The blocked person will not be informed of this.

The blocked user automatically appears in the list of blocked persons.

Note 3: You can remove the blocked person from the list by clicking on the red X icon and then the “Remove” option.

Note 4: If you are traveling with a shuttle service or a vehicle with more than six people, your settings regarding blocked people will not be taken into account by twogo.

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

  • Click on the “Profile” icon.
  • Click on the gear icon to open the settings.
  • Open “Region”.

The following options can be selected:

Distance unit

  • Determine the distance unit by choosing between kilometers and miles.
  • Click on the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the settings.

Date/time format

  • Choose between the English date and time format of the United States, the English format of the United Kingdom, and the European standard format.
  • Click on the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the settings.

Communication language

  • Determine in which language you want to receive e-mails and SMS messages from twogo.

Note: This setting does not affect the language of the app.

  • Click on the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the settings.

Language of the app

This automatically takes you to the language settings of your device.

  • Click on the “Profile” icon.
  • Click on the gear icon to open the settings.
  • Open “Help”.

The following options are available:

Send feedback

This automatically takes you to your installed e-mail service. An e-mail pre-prepared by twogo appears, meaning that you only have to add content to your feedback.


This automatically redirects you to the FAQs on the twogo website.

Report error

This automatically takes you to your installed e-mail service. An e-mail pre-prepared by twogo appears, meaning that you only have to describe the error found.

App version

Here you can see the current version of your twogo app.

Support contact information

Here you can see the e-mail address used to contact us and the free hotline number to reach the support team.

Note: The hotline is available in the following countries: Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States.

  • Click on the “Profile” icon.
  • Click on the gear icon to open the settings.
  • Open “Info”.

Here you can view the legal notice, privacy notice, and terms of use. In the process, you are automatically redirected to the relevant subpage of the twogo website. In addition, you can view the licenses.

  • Click on the “Profile” icon.
  • Click on the gear icon to open the settings.
  • Click on “Rate this app”.

You are automatically taken to a review of the twogo app in your respective app store.

  • Click on the “Profile” icon.
  • Click on the gear icon to open the settings.
  • Click on the “Logout” button if you want to log out of your user account.

You will, of course, still be able to log back into your user account in the future.

  • First, open your profile by clicking on the “Profile” icon.

In the colored field in the upper section of your profile you can see the following details at a glance:

Profile picture, name, and organization

In the colored field you can see your saved profile picture, your name, and the organization that you are assigned to.

Collected points

Experience points are virtual rewards that you receive every time you use the app either as a driver or a passenger.

You will receive the following amounts of points when you create ride requests and participate in carpools: 

  • 1 point if you create a ride request
  • 3 points if you participate in a    carpool as a passenger
  • 5 points if you participate in a   carpool as a driver

The more active you are on twogo, the more points you will receive.

Note 1: Points that you receive when you are assigned to a carpool will be lost if this ride is canceled or you delete it.

Note 2: In order to collect points, your organization must have activated the collection of points for its members and you must agree to participate.

Note 3: To find out whether and to what extent your organization converts the collected points into prizes, please inquire directly to your organization.

Saved CO2 emissions

twogo automatically calculates the CO2 emissions saved based on the distance traveled with twogo and shows you this in your profile. This gives you an insight into what contribution you are personally making to environmental protection by using twogo.

Distance traveled

The distance that you have traveled in carpools with twogo is also displayed in your profile.

  • Open your profile by clicking on the “Profile” icon.
  • Click on “Edit profile”.

You have the option to change your profile picture, first name, surname, nickname, phone number, gender, and location:

Profile picture

  • Click on your profile picture to change it.

You now have the option to take a new photo, select a photo from your gallery, crop your most recent profile picture, or delete it by clicking on “Delete photo”.

First name, surname, and nickname

  • Enter your first name, surname, and nickname in the respective text fields.

Note: If you have entered a nickname, it will appear in the leaderboard of collected twogo points and is visible instead of your first name and surname if your organization has activated the collection of points and the associated competition among organization members.

Telephone number

  • Click on the “Telephone number” field and then enter your phone number if you want to add or change it.

Note 1: Make sure to add a “+” and the dialing code for your country at the beginning.

  • Click on “Verify”. 

An SMS containing a five-digit verification code will then be sent to the phone number you provided.

Note 2: If you did not receive an SMS, click on “Try again” so that another SMS is sent.

  • Enter the code you receive into the field provided to verify your phone number.

Once you have successfully verified your phone number, you will receive a success message.


  • Click on “Gender” if you want to add your gender.

The following options are available: “Female”, “Male”, “Other”, and “Not applicable”.


If your organization has added multiple locations in twogo, you can select a location that you are based at.

  • Click on “Locations” and select the desired location. 
  • Click on the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the settings.

  • First, open your profile, by clicking on the “Profile” icon.


  • Click on “Followers” to see which users follow you.
  • Click on a user that follows you to open their profile.

This allows you to see various information about the user.

  • Click on the telephone icon to display and call the user’s phone number. Equally, you can send the user an SMS by clicking on the letter icon.
  • If you do not yet follow the user, you have the option to follow them by clicking on the “+ Follow” button. If you already follow the user, you can click on the “Followed” button and then “Stop following” to unfollow the user.

In addition, the most recent ride that you shared with the selected user is shown in gray.

  • Click on “More” to call up all past rides that you have shared. 

I follow

  • Click on “I follow” to see the users that you follow.
  • Click on the “Follow Person” button.

Here you can follow users with whom you participated in a carpool in the past.

  • Use the search field to search for the name of specific users that you traveled together with in the past.
  • Click on the “+” icon to follow a user.

This person then appears in the list of users that you follow. In the list of users that you follow, you can click on the three dots in the field of the relevant user to unfollow or block the user. 


If you want to block a user in order to prevent this person from being matched with you, there are various ways to do so:

  1st option

  • Open your profile by clicking on the “Profile” icon.
  • Click on the gear icon to open the settings.
  • Open the “Security” category and then “Blocked people”.
  • Click on the “Block person” button.
  • Enter the first name of the user that you want to block in the first text field and then their surname in the second text field.
  •  Click on the “Block person” button.

Note 1: Note that you will also block all other users with the same name.

Note 2: The blocked person is not informed that they have been blocked.

Note 3: If you are traveling with a shuttle service or a vehicle with more than six people, your settings regarding blocked people will not be taken into account by twogo.

Once you have clicked on the button, the blocked user automatically appears in the list of blocked people.

  • Click on the X icon and then the “Remove” option to remove a blocked person from the list.

  2nd option

  • Click on the user that you want to block to open that person’s profile.
  • Click on the three dots icon and then “Block” to block the user.

Note 1: The blocked person is not informed that they have been blocked.

Note 2: If you are traveling with a shuttle service or a vehicle with more than six people, your settings regarding blocked people will not be taken into account by twogo.

  3rd option

  • Click on the three dots icon in the field of the relevant user and then click on “Block” to block the user.

Note 1: The blocked person is not informed that they have been blocked.

Note 2: If you are traveling with a shuttle service or a vehicle with more than six people, your settings regarding blocked people will not be taken into account by twogo.

  • Click on the “Profile” icon.

Here you can see the ratings that you have received from past rides.

  • Click on the “More” button to see which rating you have received the most frequently. 

Note 1: All ratings are completely anonymous and will only appear in your profile once you have receive a total of seven ratings. It is not possible to make inferences about individual raters.

Note 2: If you cannot see any ratings in your profile, your organization has not activated the rating feature.

  • Open your profile by clicking on the “Profile” icon.
  • Click on “Legal notice”.

You are automatically redirected to the legal notice on the twogo website.

  • First, open your profile by clicking on the “Profile” icon.
  • Select the “Vehicles” tab.

The following options are available:

Add vehicle

  • Click on the “Add vehicle” button.

Here you can add vehicles.

  • Click on the circle with the vehicle icon to add an optional photo of your vehicle. You can either take a photo or select one from your gallery.
  • Enter the details of your vehicle in the “Model” and “License plate” text fields provided.
  • Click on “Drive type” and choose from “Gasoline”, “Diesel”, “Electric”, “Hybrid”, and “Other”.
  • Use the “-” and “+” icons to set the number of available seats.
  • Set whether the added vehicle should be defined as the standard vehicle.
  • Click on the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the settings.

Edit vehicle

You can edit your added vehicles at any time. 

  • To do so, click on the vehicle that you want to edit.

You will then see the photo and details of your vehicle at a glance.

  • Click on “Edit”.
  • Change the photo, model, license plate, drive type, number of available seats, or the definition as the standard vehicle.
  • Click on the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the settings.

Delete vehicle

You can delete your added vehicles at any time. 

  • Click on the vehicle that you want to delete.

You will then see the photo and details of your vehicle at a glance.

  • Click on “Edit”.
  • Click on the “Delete” button to remove the vehicle.

Note 1: If you delete your vehicle and no other vehicles have been added, all existing ride requests with the role as driver are turned into rides as a passenger.

Note 2: If there are multiple vehicles in your profile and you delete a vehicle that is linked with rides, twogo will reassign these ride requests to one of your other vehicles. If there are not enough seats available in the newly assigned vehicle, twogo will remove the corresponding passengers and inform them of the changes.

Note 3: If there are multiple vehicles in your profile and you delete the standard vehicle, the next vehicle in the list automatically becomes the standard vehicle.

  • Open your profile by clicking on the “Profile” icon.
  • Select the “Locations” tab.

The following options are available:

Add location

  • Click on the “Add location” button to add a new location.

Note: When creating a ride request, you can use your previously added locations so that you do not have to enter the whole address manually.

You have two options for adding your desired location:

  1st option

  • Open the map and select a location by moving the pushpin to the desired position.

   As you the move the pushpin, twogo automatically updates the “Address” field .

  • Click on the “Apply” button when the address is selected. 

  2nd option

  • Click on the “Address” button.
  • Enter the address of your desired location.
  • Select the desired address from the list of suggested addresses.
  • Click on “My location” if you want to add your current location.

Note: twogo can only determine your location if you allow twogo to access your location. You can change this setting in your device settings.

  • Enter a short name for the entered address in the “Name” field.
  • Optionally, you can add a description of the meeting point in the “Meeting point” field.
  • Click on the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the settings.

Edit location

You can edit your added locations at any time.

  • Click on the location that you want to edit.
  • Change your entries, such as the address, name of the location, and meeting point.
  • Click on the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the settings.

Note 1: You can only edit locations that you have created yourself.

Note 2: The locations designated as HOME and WORK as well as locations listed under “Locations” that have been pre-defined by the administrators cannot be edited.

Delete location

You can delete locations that you have created yourself at any time.

  • Click on the location that you want to delete.
  • Click on the “Delete” button to remove your selected location.

Note 1: You can only delete locations that you have created yourself.

Note 2: The locations designated as HOME and WORK as well as locations listed under “Locations” that have been pre-defined by the administrators cannot be deleted.

HOME address

You are asked for your HOME address when logging into twogo for the first time but you can also edit this at any time afterwards. By adding the HOME location, you can quickly and easily use your home address in your ride requests, without having to keep entering it manually.

Note: You cannot delete or rename the HOME location but you can change the location’s address and the meeting point at any time.

WORK address

You are asked for your WORK address when logging into twogo for the first time but you can also add and edit this at any time afterwards. By adding the WORK location, you can quickly and easily use your work address in your ride requests, without having to enter the whole address manually.

Note: You cannot delete or rename the WORK location, but you can change the location’s address and the meeting point at any time.

  • Click on the field "About you" to provide your passengers with an insight about you already in your profile in the form of a short 200-character description.
  • Additionally, you can specify whether you smoke or not.

Note: Users can also see your profile description when a carpool has been formed.

  • Click on the “+” button to start creating your ride request.

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

  • In the first step, determine your own role in the carpool. Choose between “Driver”, “Passenger”, and “Driver or passenger”.

Note: If you select the role “Driver or passenger”, twogo automatically determines your role on the basis of rides created by other users that are suitable for your ride request.

  • Click on the “Continue” button.

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

Entering the route for the outward trip

  • Either enter your desired locations manually in the “Starting point” and “Destination” fields or choose from previously saved and pre-defined locations.
  • If you want to select your current location, then click on the “My location” button and twogo will apply your current address.

Note: twogo can only determine your location if you allow twogo to access your location. You can change this setting in your device settings.

  • Click on the “Add intermediate stop” button to add a maximum of five intermediate stops.

Reserving a parking space

If you want to reserve a parking space for your ride request, proceed as follows:

  • Select a location pre-defined by your organization that is labeled with “Parking spaces available” as the destination.

Note 1: Once a ride request is created, twogo will only check the availability of a parking space one day before the start of the ride and, in case of a successful allocation, will inform you of the details of your parking space by e-mail if you have enabled notifications in the settings. In addition, you can see the details of your parking space in the trip details.

Note 2: It is only possible to reserve parking spaces if your organization has activated the parking function and parking spaces at the organization locations have previously been saved in the system by the administrators.

  • Click on the “Continue” button to proceed to the next step.

Day, departure time and arrival time

  • Select the day on which your requested ride is to take place.
  • Click on the “Departure after” button to specify the earliest possible departure time and click on the “Arrival before” button to set the latest possible arrival time.

Note 1: If the defined trip duration is too short for the specified distance, an error message appears and you must adjust the times.

  • If your arrival is after midnight or on the next day, click on the “Arrival after midnight” button.

“+1D” then appears in the “Arrival before” field.

Note 2: twogo shows you the chance of finding a match as either “High” or “Low” on the basis of your entries.

Repeat ride

You can specify that your ride request will be repeated so that you do not have to keep entering it again manually.

  • To do so, click on the “Repeat ride” button.

Settings to define the repeat ride open. Specifically, the days on which the ride is to be repeated and the period during which this is to take place.

  • Select the days on which the ride is to be repeated.
  • Set the start and end date for the period during which the rides are to be repeated on the selected days.
  • Click on the “Continue” button.

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

Optionally, you can add a return trip. The starting point and the destination are automatically adopted from the settings for the outward trip in reverse order, but you can change them individually.

  • Either enter your desired locations manually in the “Starting point” and “Destination” fields or choose from previously saved and pre-defined locations.
  • If you want to select your current location, then click on the “My location” button and twogo will apply your current address.

Note: twogo can only determine your location if you allow twogo to access your location. You can change this setting in your device settings.

  • Click on the “Add intermediate stop” button to add a maximum of five intermediate stops.
  • Click on the “Continue” button.

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

Select created vehicle

  • Select a vehicle that you have already added to your profile.
  • Use the “-” and “+” icons to set the number of seats available in the vehicle.

Note: The vehicle selection screen only appears when creating a ride request if you have selected the role “Driver” or “Driver or passenger”.

Creating a vehicle when creating a ride request

You can create a new vehicle when creating a ride request.

  • To do so, click on the “Create new” button.
  • Click on the circle with the vehicle icon to add an optional photo of your vehicle. You can either take a photo or select one from your gallery.
  • Enter the details of your vehicle in the “Model” and “License plate” text fields provided.
  • Click on “Drive type” and choose from “Gasoline”, “Diesel”, “Electric”, “Hybrid”, and “Other”.
  • Use the “-” and “+” icons to set the number of available seats.
  • Set whether the added vehicle should be defined as the standard vehicle.
  • Click on the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the settings.

Note: It is only possible to create a vehicle when creating a ride request in the role of “Driver” or “Driver or passenger”.

Rental car or car sharing car

It is possible to select a rental car or car sharing car.

  • To do so, click on the “Rental car or car sharing car” button.
  • Complete the respective text fields with the necessary information to describe the vehicle.
  • Use the “-” and “+” icons to set the number of available seats.

Note: It is only possible to select a rental car or car sharing car in the role of “Driver” or “Driver or passenger”.

Pool vehicle

If your organization has pool vehicles that it makes available to you for carpools via twogo, a pool vehicle can also be requested.

  • To do so, click on the “Request pool vehicle” button.
  • Use the “-” and “+” icons to set the number of available seats.

Note 1: If, after creating a ride request and automatic checking by twogo, you have been assigned a suitable pool vehicle, the corresponding details can be seen in the trip details of your ride request. You will also receive an e-mail about this containing all relevant information, if you have enabled notifications.

Note 2: It is only possible to request a pool vehicle in the role of “Driver” or “Driver or passenger”.

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

Cost sharing

The “Additional information” screen contains the cost sharing setting.

  • Click on the “Cost sharing” button to activate cost sharing for the ride.
  • You can add your PayPal address either in the settings via the gear icon under the “Payment details” item in the “Account” tab or, if you have not already done so, directly when creating the ride request by clicking on the “Enter PayPal.Me username” button. However, it is not necessary to enter a PayPal-Me username in order to successfully create a ride request.

Note 1: If you activate cost sharing in the role of driver, the costs for the ride are split between the passengers and the driver then receives the payment.

Note 2: Activate cost sharing in the role of passenger to accept rides that require cost sharing and agree to pay your share of the costs to the driver after the start of the ride. This setting increases your chances of finding a match.

Note 3: The costs per kilometer are estimated appropriately so that the total costs for all passengers are no more than the trip would have cost the driver alone.

Business trip

You can also specify that the ride request that you create is a business trip. The difference with a business trip is that you will only be matched with colleagues from your organization and no share of the costs is shown, as the cost of the trip is usually reimbursed by the organization.

  • To do so, click on the “Business trip” button.

Maximum detour

Additionally, you can define the maximum detour in minutes that you are willing to take in order to pick up the passenger. 

  • To do so, click on the “-” or “+” icon to adjust the time of the maximum detour.

Note: The minimum allowed is 5 minutes and the maximum is 1 hour.

Ladies only

In the “Additional information” screen, women have the option to specify that they only want to be matched with other women.

  • To do so, click on the “Ladies only” button.

Note: However, this option is only displayed and available for you if you have selected “Female” as your gender in your profile.

  • If you have not already applied this setting, then open your profile via the “Profile” icon.
  • Select the “Profile” tab and click on “Edit profile”.
  • Click on “Gender” and select “Female”.
  • Click on the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the settings.

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

  • Lastly, check your entries in the summary of your ride request.
  • Click on the field of the entry that you want to edit if you wish to make changes.

Once you have clicked on the respective field to be edited, you are automatically returned to the relevant step in the ride request creation process and can change your entries.

  • Once you have made the necessary changes, keep clicking on the “Continue” button until you reach the summary again. 
  • Click on the “Create ride request” button.

You will receive confirmation that your ride request has been successfully created.

  • Click on the “Done” button.

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

  • Click on the magnifying glass symbol with the label “Search”.
  • To search for a ride, enter your required trip parameters, such as starting point and destination, date, departure and arrival time.

twogo automatically searches for available carpools that match the entered parameters.

Note 1: twogo searches for suitable rides within a radius of 45 kilometers from the specified start and destination points.

Note 2: Matching search results are sorted chronologically.

Note 3: The distances for the search results are sorted by color.

Note 4: If no search result is found, it is possible to create your own ride request at any time, based on the specified parameters.

Tip: Watch the training video here.

  • Click on a suitable proposed ride to view the trip details.
  • Click on the “Passenger” or “Driver” button to participate, depending on which role is possible.

The system automatically forms and organizes the carpool.

Tip: Watch the training videohere.

Click on the “Rides” vehicle icon to view your created rides. Here you can see all your created ride requests in chronological order by date and time.

Note 1: Unmatched rides for which no shared ride has yet been found are shown in white. By contrast, rides matched by twogo are indicated by the corporate color of your organization. If you are not assigned to an organization, matched rides appear in the color petrol.

Note 2: Repeat rides are indicated by the repeat icon next to the relevant ride request.

Note 3: If twogo has reserved a parking space for you for a created ride request, this is indicated by the parking icon next to the relevant ride request.

  • Click on the “Rides” vehicle icon to view your created rides.
  • Click on the clock icon to open your past rides.

Your past rides are listed in chronological order by date and time and appear in gray.

  • Click on a past ride to open the details of the past ride.
  • Select the “Trip details” tab.

Here you can see all relevant information about your past ride, such as the starting point and destination, the journey time, and your role.

  • In the details of your past ride, select the “Chat” tab.

Here you can read all messages from your past carpool chat.

Note 1: You can no longer write messages in the chat of a past ride.

Note 2: Rides are deleted from the system six weeks after completion of the ride. As a result, all chat groups and contained chat messages are also deleted.

Once a ride has taken place, you have the option to rate the driver and passengers.

  • To do so, call up your created rides via the “Rides” vehicle icon.
  • Click on the clock icon to open your past rides.

Your pending ratings are indicated in color.

  • Select the past ride with a pending rating for which you want to rate the driver or passengers and click on the user displayed in the colored area.

The rating screen then opens. Firstly, three different response options can be selected: 


  • Select one of the three response options.
  • Add optional criteria, such as timeliness and cleanliness, to your rating to emphasize something in particular.
  • If you are missing a rating criterion then click on “Are you missing a criterion? ” to suggest up to five additional criteria to twogo.
  • Once you have added all information, click on “Submit” to send your rating.

If multiple passengers participated in a ride, you then automatically continue to the rating of the next passenger in the ride.

  • Click on “Skip” if you do not want to rate a user.
  • Once you have added all information, click on “Submit” to send your rating.

A success message appears.

  • Click on the “Done” button to close this.

Note 1: If you cannot assign a rating after a ride has taken place, your organization has not activated the rating feature. If you are not assigned to an organization, the rating feature is activated by default. 

Note 2: All ratings are completely anonymous and will only appear in your profile once you have receive a total of seven ratings. It is not possible to make inferences about individual raters.

Note 3: You can only rate the same user three times per year.

Note 4: Rides are deleted from the system six weeks after completion of the ride and can no longer be rated thereafter.

  • Click on the “Rides” vehicle icon to view your created rides.
  • Open your notifications via the bell icon.

You can now see a list of your notifications.

Note: If you have new notifications, a red circle with the number of new messages appears on the right-hand side above the bell icon to draw your attention to them.

  • Click on the “Rides” vehicle icon to view your created rides.
  • Click on a created ride to open the trip details of the selected ride.

If twogo has not yet found a suitable carpool for your ride request, you can see the following alternatives in the ride details:

Public transport alternatives

  • Click on the bus and rail icon in the “Alternatives” section.

You can now see a list of all the details of the suitable public transport connection and thus reach the desired destination with an alternative journey by bus and rail.

Note: If no public transport alternatives are displayed, there are no suitable public transport connections for your desired journey or the time between the earliest departure and latest arrival that you have set is too short for an alternative journey by public transport.

twogo alternatives

Note 1: Irrespective of your role, twogo will show you possible alternatives for your ride request as a driver and passenger to increase your chance of finding a match.

  • Click on the driver or passenger icon in the “Alternatives” section.

You can now see another user’s alternative ride for your ride request. twogo will provide you with specific suggestions as to which parameters you would have to change in order for carpooling to take place.

  • Click on the “Accept alternative” button.

Your ride request is now updated and you are automatically matched.

Note 2: If no alternative rides are shown for your ride request, there are currently no suitable alternative twogo rides in the system on the basis of the details you have entered.

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

  • Click on the “Rides” vehicle icon to view your created rides.
  • Click on a created ride to open the trip details of the selected ride.

Trip details

If a suitable driver or passenger has been found, you can see the following information by clicking on “Trip details”:

  • The exact departure time, arrival time, and journey time as well as the starting point, meeting point, intermediate stops, and destination.
  • The driver, all passengers, and the vehicle.
  • In the role of “Passenger”, the proposed share of the costs.
  • The status of the search for a free parking space, if you have requested a parking space as the driver or the details of your parking space already assigned by twogo.

Note: If twogo has not yet found a parking space, this is indicated by the label “Parking space requested”. However, once a ride request is created, twogo will only check the availability of a parking space one day before the start of the ride.

Map and navigation

You also have the option to see the route of your created ride and be navigated. If you want to start navigation, then proceed as follows:

  • Click on the map to see the route of your created ride.
  • Clicking on the “Start navigation” button will automatically redirect you to your preferred navigation app that will then navigate you. Navigation can also be started by clicking on the circular “Go” button on the map before you open the map.

Paying your share of the costs

The “Payment via PayPal” button is faded out until the ride begins and cannot be clicked on. As soon as the departure time for the ride is reached, the button appears in saturated color and you can transfer your share of the costs.

  • To do so, click on the “Payment via PayPal” button.

You will automatically be redirected to PayPal.

  • Follow the steps in PayPal until the amount has been transferred.

Note: The driver must have activated cost sharing for the upcoming ride when creating the ride request and the passenger must have accepted to participate in rides that require cost sharing. Only then will the “Payment via PayPal” button appear for the passenger and the costs can be shared.

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

A chat is available for you for matched rides in order to share information about the upcoming ride beforehand. To access the chat for your ride, proceed as follows:

  • Click on the “Rides” vehicle icon to view your created rides.
  • Click on a created ride to open the ride details of the selected ride.
  • Open the chat by clicking on the “Chat” tab in the details of your ride .
  • Write a message in the text input field of the chat and send it by clicking on the “Send” button.

Your message is thus visible for all participants in the carpool.

Note 1: The chat record displays the date and time that the message was sent as well as the name and profile picture of the user who wrote the message. In this way, messages can be assigned to the respective users if there are multiple passengers in the chat.

Note 2: When you receive a new message in the chat, a red circle with the number of new messages will appear in the top right of the “Chat” tab so that your attention is drawn to them and you do not miss them.

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

Editing a single ride

  • Click on the “Rides” vehicle icon to view your created rides.
  • Select the created ride that you want to edit to open the ride details.
  • Click on the pencil icon and then “Edit”.

The summary of the ride request automatically opens.

  • Click on the field of the entry that you want to edit.

Once you have clicked on the respective field to be edited, you are automatically returned to the relevant step in the ride request creation process and can change your entries.

  • Once you have made the necessary changes, keep clicking on the “Continue” button until you reach the summary again. 
  • Click on the “Update ride request” button.

Note 1: You can edit your created ride requests at any time before the start of the ride.

Note 2: Once you have edited your ride request, twogo will search for a suitable carpool on the basis of your new entries, irrespective of whether you have already been matched or not and informs the driver and/or any passengers of the changes.

Deleting a single ride

  • Click on the “Rides” vehicle icon to view your created rides.
  • Select the created ride that you want to delete.
  • Click on the pencil icon and then on “Delete” to delete your ride request.

Note 1: You can delete your created ride requests at any time before the start of the ride, irrespective of whether you have already been matched or not.

Note 2: If you have already been matched, the participants in the ride are informed of your withdrawal due to the deletion of the posted ride.

Editing a repeat ride

  • Click on the “Rides” vehicle icon to view your created rides.
  • Select the created repeat ride that you want to edit to open the ride details.

Note 1: Repeat rides can be identified by the repeat icon.

  • Click on the pencil icon, then on “Edit”, and lastly on “Edit series” to modify the entire series.

The summary of the repeat ride request automatically opens.

  • Click on the field of the entry that you want to edit.

Once you have clicked on the respective field to be edited, you are automatically returned to the relevant step in the ride request creation process and can change your entries.

  • Once you have made the necessary changes, keep clicking on the “Continue” button until you reach the summary again.
  • Click on the “Update ride request” button.

Note 2: You can edit your created ride requests at any time before the start of the ride.

Note 3: If you only want to edit the selected single ride in the series but not the entire series, click on the pencil icon, then “Edit”, and lastly on “Edit this ride”.

Note 4: Once you have edited your ride request, twogo will search for a suitable carpool on the basis of your new entries, irrespective of whether you have already been matched or not and informs the driver and/or any passengers of the changes.

Deleting a repeat ride 

  • Click on the “Rides” vehicle icon to view your created rides.
  • Select the created repeat ride that you want to delete.

Note 1: Repeat rides can be identified by the repeat icon.

  •  Click on the pencil icon, then on “Delete”, and lastly on “Delete entire series” to delete the entire series of ride requests.

Note 2: You can delete your created ride requests at any time before the start of the ride.

Note 3: If you only want to delete the selected single ride in the series but not the entire series, click on the pencil icon, then “Delete”, and lastly on “Delete selected ride”.

Note 4: Once you have edited your ride request, twogo will search for a suitable carpool on the basis of your new entries, irrespective of whether you have already been matched or not.

Note 1: Timetables anonymously show all arrivals and departures for created ride requests at your respective organization locations. You are thus able to see how many organization members are searching for a carpool and which routes are concerned.

Note 2: Timetables for the organization locations are communicated to you by your organization. Depending on the organization, timetables may be posted on the intranet, displayed on a screen in the lobby, or sent as a link, for example.

  • Open the timetable for your organization location.
  • Click on an already existing ride that you want to participate in.

You are automatically redirected to the twogo web app.

  • Log in with your access details if you are not currently logged into the web app.

You are then automatically taken to the ride request creation process, where all the details of the selected ride are already prepared for you.

  • Click on the “Create ride request” button.

Your ride request is now created and you are automatically matched with the already existing ride.

Option 1 - Sharing a ride during the ride request creation process

  • First, create a ride request.
  • At the end of the ride request creation process, click on the “Share ride” button.
  • Select whether you only want to share the outward or return trip or both trips.
  • Click on the “Share with twogo followers” button.

Your ride is then shared with your followers, who now have the option to participate in it.

Option 2 - Sharing a ride at a later point in time

  • Choose the ride that you want to share from your created rides and click on it.
  • In the details of your ride, click on the “Share” button.
  • Select whether you only want to share the outward or return trip or both trips.
  • Click on the “Share with twogo followers” button.

Your ride is then shared with your followers, who now have the option to participate in it.

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

Option 1 - Sharing a ride during the ride request creation process

  • First, create a ride request.
  • At the end of the ride request creation process, click on the “Share ride” button.
  • Select whether you only want to share the outward or return trip or both trips.
  • Click on the “Share link” button.
  • Then select via which channel and to whom you want to share the link.

Your ride will then be shared with the corresponding people, who now have the option to participate in it.

Option 2 - Sharing a ride at a later point in time

  • Choose the ride that you want to share from your created rides and click on it.
  • In the details of your ride, click on the “Share” button.
  • Select whether you only want to share the outward or return trip or both trips.
  • Click on the “Share link” button.
  • Then select via which channel and to whom you want to share the link.

Your ride will then be shared with the corresponding people, who now have the option to participate in it.

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

  • Click on the “Rides” vehicle icon to view your created rides.

If users have shared rides with you, a message with the title “Shared rides” appears in the view of your created rides.

  • Click on the “Shared rides” message.

You are then shown all rides shared with you in chronological order by date and time.

  • Select the ride that you want to participate in.
  • Click on the “Accept” button for the corresponding ride.

The accepted ride automatically appears in the view of your created rides and you are now a participant in the carpool.

Note: If a ride is shared with you and the sharing person has selected the role of “Driver or passenger”, you can decide whether you want to accept the ride as “Driver” or as “Passenger”.

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

Your created ride requests automatically appear in your e-mail calendar.

Note: twogo calendar entries are standard event invitations that are automatically set to private. By creating the event invitation, your calendar is blocked out from the earliest possible departure to the latest possible arrival time that you have specified.

When creating a ride request, women have the option to specify in the “Additional information” screen that they only want to be matched with other women.

  • To do so, click on the “Ladies only” button.

Note: However, this option is only displayed and available for you if you have selected “Female” as your gender in your profile.

  • If you have not already applied this setting, then open your profile via the “Profile” icon.
  • Select the “Profile” tab and click on “Edit profile”.
  • Click on “Gender” and select “Female”.
  • Click on the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the settings.

Tip: Click here to see the training video.

Make sure that the pickup and drop-off points are safe and easy for the driver to reach.

Note 1: For your personal safety, especially if you are traveling with someone that you do not know, choose pickup and drop-off points in public places that are well lit up at night, offer good protection in bad weather, and are not in remote locations.

Note 2: If you do not want to give your real home address as the HOME address requested by twogo, select a safe nearby public place instead, e.g. a bus stop or intersection.

We recognize, for example, companies, communities, medical centers, public authorities, universities, schools and colleges, and many more as organizations.

Using twogo as an organization offers you the following benefits:

General benefits:

  • Reduce traffic
  •  Use parking lots more efficiently
  • Promote climate protection
  • Increase corporate social responsibility
  •  Enable all employees to experience corporate mobility

Benefits in the app:

  • Corporate customizing. We will provide you with the twogo app in your corporate colors and branded with your logo.
  • Add internal locations
  • Gamification
  • Parking function
  • Rating feature
  • Management of pool vehicles
  • Rideshare networks
  • Indication of cost shares
  • In-app payment
  • Shuttle service

For deeper insight into the twogo app and its advantages, you can download the twogo information brochure here.

If you are interested in using twogo as an organization, then please contact us using the following e-mail address

Pendlernetz powered by twogo
Pendlernetz is a brand of ADAC and represents a ride-sharing community. The eponymous mobility offering is provided as part of the diversified service portfolio of ADAC, in the form of a digital ride-sharing platform. 
Pendlernetz is operated by Schwarz Mobility Solutions GmbH in cooperation with ADAC. 

Within this cooperation, twogo provides the platform for the “Pendlernetz powered by twogo” brand. Co-branding allows a free-of-charge, public domain basic version to be used for this mobile, cloud-based solution, which is provided for work or leisure application for individual commuters.

Schwarz Mobility Solutions GmbH reserves all rights to the mobile, cloud-based twogo solution, which are protected by copyright laws and other laws and agreements concerning intellectual property. Schwarz Mobility Solutions GmbH is and shall remain the rights holder of existing copyright and other commercial proprietary rights for the twogo software solution.

The cooperation has no legal or technical implications for our existing and future corporate customers using the twogo Enterprise model. No user data or other information are shared with cooperation partner ADAC.

As part of the cooperation between ADAC and Schwarz Mobility Solutions GmbH, native and web-based applications will be adjusted in accordance with the branding guidelines for the “Pendlernetz powered by twogo” brand. This will not affect the usability or the user experience for twogo, and serves only to broaden the targeted addressing of user groups.

We offer you a catalog that showcases our extensive marketing portfolio, featuring a variety of customizable giveaway items and print products related to our ride-sharing platform twogo.

Our goal with twogo is to support the formation of carpools in your company or community in the long term.

We want to help you market the sustainable mobility solution with creative designs, motifs, and the matching items.

You can download the marketing catalog with all content here.

If you are interested in using the twogo marketing material, then please contact us using the following e-mail address

You will find all information about how we protect your data in the twogo privacy policy.

Click here to see the privacy policy.

Click here to see the terms of use that apply to the use of twogo.