Breaking News: ADAC chooses twogo
better.twogether. The new Pendlernetz powered by twogo.
We are proud to announce a partnership with ADAC. In cooperation with Germany’s leading automotive association, twogo will support the ADAC Pendlernetz with its innovative technology and platform. This marks a groundbreaking step in the ADAC’s sustainability strategy and for the reach of twogo.
The joint goal is to not only generate cost savings for users, but to also make a significant contribution towards environmental protection. The decision by the ADAC to choose the modern technology and innovative concept of twogo underlines the association’s clear commitment to sustainable mobility and digital solutions.
There is palpable excitement about the future partnership on both sides. As an up-and-coming platform, twogo is being given the unique opportunity to profit from ADAC’s enormous reach and experience. At the same time, the ADAC can rely on twogo’s expertise to optimize the Pendlernetz platform and advance the vision of environmentally responsible and collaborative mobility.
The carpooling community is already developing rapidly, but with ADAC’s support it will grow even more in the coming weeks and months. Together, we want to encourage even more people to join this community and actively contribute to reducing traffic and emissions.
But that’s not all... Stay tuned!
Note: How does the cooperation affect our users?
As part of the cooperation between ADAC and Schwarz Mobility Solutions GmbH, native and web-based applications will be adjusted in accordance with the branding guidelines for the “Pendlernetz powered by twogo” brand. This will not affect the usability or the user experience for twogo, and serves only to address user groups in a broad and targeted manner.