
Quick Guide - Reporting

Use the Reporting tab to schedule license plate reports and also download on demand TwoGo usage statistics at the sites you are responsible for.

License plate reports

The license plate report is a daily list of the license plates of vehicles participating in shared rides that day. TwoGo sends out the report via SMS or email to the people you specify in the recipients list. Recipients might include, for example, the security staff responsible for controlling the reserved parking spaces at a site.

Statistics reports

TwoGo compiles a wide set of useful statistics on daily usage that you can download on demand. You can opt to download the data based on a particular day or (for key user statistics) aggregated over the course of a calendar month.

Daily statistics available per site

Statistics are gathered on users, ride intents, and savings made by using TwoGo.


  • Users_activated: Number of registered users who can ride with TwoGo
  • Users_blocked: Number of registered users whose status is Blocked
  • Users_unverified: Number of registered users who have not verified their account
  • UsersActive: Number of users who have sent ride intents
  • UsersMatched: Number of users who had matched rides (not canceled before the start)
  • UsersRideInfoReceived: Number of ride info emails sent during the period
  • UsersRideInfoUnsubscribed: Number of requests to unsubscribe from info emails during the period

Ride intents

NOTE: All data refers to ride intents or matched rides that were not canceled before the start.

  • RideIntentsByRole_Driver: Number of ride intents with the role "Driver"
  • RideIntentsByRole_Passenger: Number of ride intents with the role "Passenger"
  • RideIntentsByRole_Either: Number of ride intents with the role "Either"
  • RiMatchedByRole_Driver: Number of matched rides with the role "Driver"
  • RiMatchedByRole_Passenger: Number of matched rides with the role "Passenger"
  • RiMatchedByRole_Either: Number of matched rides with the role "Either"
  • Rides: Number of matched rides
  • RideDistanceByRole_Driver: Total distance in [m] of matched rides with the ride role "Driver"
  • RideDistanceByRole_Passenger: Total distance in [m] of matched rides with the ride role "Passenger"
  • RideDistanceDetour: Total detour distance in [m] of drivers in matched rides
  • RideDurationByRole_Driver: Total duration in [s] of matched rides for participants with ride role "Driver"
  • RideDurationByRole_Passenger: Total duration in [s] of matched rides for participants with ride role "Passenger"


NOTE: All data refers to matched rides that were not canceled before the start.

  • SavedCD: Total CO2 in [kg] saved by ride passengers
  • SavedDistance: Total driving distance in [m] saved by ride passengers

Monthly statistics available per site


  • Users_activated: Number of registered users who can ride with TwoGo
  • Users_blocked: Number of registered users whose status is Blocked
  • Users_unverified: Number of registered users who have not verified their account
  • UsersActive: Number of users who have sent ride intents
  • UsersMatched: Number of users who had matched rides (not canceled before the start)


Scheduling license plate reports

The Last Run field shows the date and time the license plate report was last generated. To schedule a new report:

  1. Depending on the type of license plate report concerned, open either the SMS or Email tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Report Subscription section, enter the recipient's cell phone number or email address.
  4. From the list of available report templates, select the type of report you want to run.
  5. On the Common tab, in the Schedule field, specify the time at which you want to send the report to the user. For information on what format to enter the time in, hover your mouse over the Schedule field.
  6. On the Dataset tab, select the sites for which you want to run the report. Click > to assign one site, >> to assign all sites, or for multiple sites, hold down the CTRL key as you select each site and then click >.
  7. Click Save.

Managing recipients of license plate reports

To view the site reports to which a user is subscribed:

  1. Depending on the type of license plate report concerned, open either the SMS or Email tab.

The recipients currently subscribed to license plate reports are listed by cell phone number or email address.

  1. Select the cell phone number or email address from the Recipient column.

In the Report Subscription section, on the Dataset tab, you can see in the Assigned list the sites for which the specified contact currently receives reports.

To remove site reports from a user subscription:

  1. Depending on the type of license plate report concerned, open either the SMS or Email tab.
  2. Select the cell phone number or email address from the Recipient column.
  3. In the Report Subscription section, on the Dataset tab, select the site in the Assigned list and click < to move it to the Unassigned list. To add site reports to a user subscription:
    1. Depending on the type of license plate report concerned, open either the SMS or Email tab.
    2. Select the cell phone number or email address from the Recipient column.
    3. In the Report Subscriptionsection, on the Dataset tab, select the site in the Unassigned list and click > to move it to the Assigned list.

To remove a user as a recipient of all license plate reports:

  1. Depending on the type of license plate report concerned, open either the SMS or Email tab.
  2. Select the cell phone number or email address from the Recipient column.
  3. Click Delete.

To change the schedule or contact details for a specific user:

  1. Depending on the type of license plate report concerned, open either the SMS or Email tab.
  2. Select the cell phone number or email address from the Recipient column.
  3. In the Report Subscription section, make the modifications you require:
    • To change the schedule: On the Common tab, in the Schedule field, specify the new time at which you want to send the report to the user. For information on what format to enter the time in, hover your mouse over the Schedule field.
    • To change the contact details: In the Recipients field, type over the existing details with the new email address or phone number.
  4. Click Save.

Downloading statistics reports

To run and download statistics reports:

  1. Open the On Demand tab and click New.
  2. In the Run New Report dialog box, select the type of report you want to run and the sites to include in the report. To select multiple sites, hold down the CTRL key as you click each site.
  3. Click Run. TwoGo generates the report and adds it to the list of available reports.
  4. Click the report you have just created and in the On Demand Report section, click the download button. The report is downloaded as a spreadsheet to your local drive.

When users cancel pending ride intents, the pool car booking information associated with the intent is deleted. Therefore, as the data may not accurately reflect bookings changed by users, you should not use the pool car bookings report for legal purposes.